News & press

IRCAD continues to expand with new projects every year, such as the building of IRCAD 3, a new buidling dedicated to robotics, and the creation of new mirror institutes around the world. Visit this page to keep up with the latest news about the Institute and its upcoming projects. You can also download IRCAD general communication tools.

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If you are a journalist and would like more information about IRCAD, contact us, we would be happy to talk about this with you.

Communications manager

Margaux Diebold

Latest news about IRCAD

IRCAD International Summit

As in previous years, representatives from IRCAD’s mirror institutes gathered for an International Summit at IRCAD France on May 31 to discuss ongoing and future

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IRCAD Podcast

Press articles

Archive going back to 2019. Contact us if you are interested in older articles. 


Innovation Forum: Ein Visionär der ersten Stunde, Medical Moutains

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AstraNICE veut rendre visible l’invisible pour révolutionner la chirurgie, Maddyness

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Strasbourg remporte plusieurs congrès majeurs à dimension européenne et internationale, Tendance Hotellerie

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«Si les IA étaient en fac de médecine, elles seraient majors de promo !», Le Figaro Santé

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Programme de formation prothèses ESP, Actu Santé

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Spineway : organise une formation pratique à l'IRCAD de Strasbourg, Bourse Direct

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Le nouveau campus technologique médical Nextmed se déploie à Strasbourg, News Day FR

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Le nouveau campus des technologies médicales Nextmed se déploie à Strasbourg, Le Journal des Entreprises

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Vipul Patel, Jacques Marescaux, Marcio Covas Moschovas. The Humanitarian Impact of Telesurgery and Remote Surgery in Global Medicine, European Urology

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Strasbourg, capitale de la médecine collaborative, Top Music

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Photo library

Free downloadable photos of IRCAD to illustrate your articles. 
Please don’t forget to mention IRCAD rights when using these media.


Communication tools

Download our official communication tools.
Please feel free to contact us if you need other documents.


Corporate brochure (French only)

Rental brochure

Press review 2021 (French only)

Press review 2022 (French only)

IRCAD flyer (English only)

WebSurg flyer (English only)